I know I haven't posted anything in a LONG, long time but that is because over the past few months I have accomplished many things. First off, I went to art school. In January of this year I got accepted to Kendall college of art and design (part of Ferris) as a high school sophomore! I was the first sophomore from my high school to ever dual enroll and I passed my class with a solid A. Nextly, as many of you have figured, I like to take photos of horses and as time passed I was asked to be the official photographer for STSHA. Another awesome thing that happened was I finally got my kitty. I have waited months to get a barn cat and I did, and she is the sweetest thing ever. I even had my own great achievements in school, though I didn't get honor roll (because I got a 70% on an exam) I did get 102% in both my Zoology and Biology classes. I have had a lot of time to think out things and yes I may just now be a junior in high school but I've thought a lot about what I want to do in my future and with months of thinking I have come to some-what solid conclusion. As much as I love photography I know its very hard to make a living in the business and after being hired by a horse showing circuit and doing their photos, though I may enjoy it and have a talent for it, its not what I really want to do. I want to further my interests in animal sciences and I'm planning on becoming a zoologist or becoming a large animal/zoo vet. With all my animals at home I have found that taking care of them is always the highlight of my day, if you would have asked me two years ago what I wanted to become I would have said "be a photographer" but now I know where my real passion lies, and that is with caring for animals.

This was my final project for my college class, I got an A on it!
This is my cat, Annabelle, she's 9 weeks old. <3
Some photos from STSHA
Some more photos I have taken recently!
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