Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pressed Flowers and The Butterfly/Hummingbird Garden

Above is a picture of the butterfly/hummingbird garden i planted for my mom. It looks so beautifle now, the flowers have bloomed and it is fuller. The photo was takn right after i planted it all by myself (my dad and brother were doing their own garden). There is about 7 diffrent kinds of flowers, Lupine, Cosmos, Phlox, Salvias, Dianthus, Asters, Portalaca (spelling?).

Pressed flowers are one of the easiest things to make. All you need are flowers, heavy books, and a few pieces of paper.
  1. Get the flowers you want to press (like the iris above)

2. Place paper in book (so flower juice dosent ruin your pages) and lay the flowers flat on the paper.
3. Place heavier books ontop of the book the flowers are in....
and now you have pressed flowers, you can lamanate them if you want (i lamanate mine) or just keep them how they are. Pressing flowers is a good way to preserve your flowers. This also works on leaves.

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