Saturday, April 23, 2011


I absolutely cant wait until flowers start blooming, they are so beautifle. This picture was actually taken 2 years ago when i was walking down the road. I saw a ton of these flowers but i dont know what kind they are.
This flower (above) is a Chikory flower. This was taken up north at pigeon river. Pigeon river is one of the most beautifle places in michigan i think. It is also one of the only places in michigan were you can see wild elk.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chester, Oliver, and Philip

This is my rabbit Chester, two years ago he was attacked by a weasle and he was missing a toenail thus makeing him unable to show. However a few weeks ago my 4-h leader said something that made me look at him again and to my suprise his nail grew back. It is about a cenimeter long so when fair time comes around i hope it grows a little more.
This is Oliver (also my rabbit) he is my new showmanship rabbit. I decided last year that Lulu (my old showmanship rabbit) needed to "retire", she is happily eating treats and laying around as a retired rabbit should. Anyway i got Oliver last November, he weighs a whole 3 1/2 pounds. I hope he will do good for me.
and last (but not least) is philip, he is not my rabbit. He is a wild one that cleans up the hay around the shed were I keep the goat food and hay. He is supriseingly friendly For being wild, he lets me get within a few feet of him. Every morning he is out there munching away at the hay.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Goats Enjoying The Sun

The goats are very pleased that the sun is out and that it has been warm lately. They spend hours laying around in the sun. Lily just couldnt get enough of the sun if you couldnt notice from the picture above.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Birds Are Starting To Nest!

Birds have already started nesting were i live and im really excited. Last year in our three nest boxes we had a total of 12 bluebirds fledge, and 4 wrens fledge. i have seen bluebirds pop in and out of the nesting boxes but i hope that we get chickadees this year. i havent gotten to see any chickadees hatch out, at my house or the nature center.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Vulture and a Skunk

For the past two days i have been trying to get a picture of vultures eating a dead rabbit in my neighbors yard (dont worry, they knew i would be out takeing pictures) anyway, i saw at least seven of them but none of them landed, that is the only picture i could get.
Around twelve o'clock when i got home from the dentist i saw this skunk in the yard, he (or she) was really REALLY big. It was just hopping or jumping maybe galloping around the yard, started from one end and ended in the other. Skunks in my opinion are cute and this one was galloping (thats what im going with) and it ran into a pole, poor thing, but it was okay.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I really like takeing pictures of reflections, it makes it much more interesting.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recent Pictures

Here is one of my recent pictures, a male red-winged blackbird. This was taken 2 weeks ago at the local nature center. I volunteer there monitoring the nesting birds.
This is a shot from last years bird monitoring. There sure was alot of tree swallows.

Monday, April 4, 2011

My First Post!

Those are my goats Lily (the tan-ish one) and Daisy (the dark colored one), they will be one year old in 11 days. They are sisters and also my best friends. I have been doing photography for three years and i will post some of my work within the next week.