This is my rabbit Chester, two years ago he was attacked by a weasle and he was missing a toenail thus makeing him unable to show. However a few weeks ago my 4-h leader said something that made me look at him again and to my suprise his nail grew back. It is about a cenimeter long so when fair time comes around i hope it grows a little more.
This is Oliver (also my rabbit) he is my new showmanship rabbit. I decided last year that Lulu (my old showmanship rabbit) needed to "retire", she is happily eating treats and laying around as a retired rabbit should. Anyway i got Oliver last November, he weighs a whole 3 1/2 pounds. I hope he will do good for me.
and last (but not least) is philip, he is not my rabbit. He is a wild one that cleans up the hay around the shed were I keep the goat food and hay. He is supriseingly friendly For being wild, he lets me get within a few feet of him. Every morning he is out there munching away at the hay.